/** * * @copyright (c) luft co.,ltd. * @link http://www.luft.co.jp/ * @date 2011.08.11 * @author Shigeki Hosomi * @version 1.1.2 * @required jQuery 1.6.x or newer. * * @update 2011.08.19 * 2011.11.17 * * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. * */ ;(function($) { var plugname = 'com'; $[plugname] = jQuery.sub(); /* ----------------------------- * RollOver * ----------------------------- */ $[plugname].fn.RollOver = function() { return this.each(function() { var $el = $(this); var $el_scr = $el.attr("src"); var preload = new Image(); var scrRep = $el_scr.replace(/^(.+)_off(\.[a-z]+)$/, "$1_on$2"); preload.src = scrRep; $el.hover(function() { $el.attr('src', $el_scr.replace(/^(.+)_off(\.[a-z]+)$/, "$1_on$2")); }, function() { $el.attr('src',$el_scr.replace(/^(.+)_on(\.[a-z]+)$/, "$1_off$2")); }); }); }; /* ----------------------------- * PageScroll * ----------------------------- */ $[plugname].fn.PageScroll = function(options) { options = $.extend({ speed: 'slow', easing: 'swing', arrivalY: 0, arrivalX: 0, axisX: false /* iPhoneの挙動があやしい? 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